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Accueil » 2012 » Juin » 15 » Work report Nº 1 from 1 to 15 June 2012.
5:08 PM
Work report Nº 1 from 1 to 15 June 2012.

      During the work week has uCoz, i had as a spot to create a FAQ and a User Forum for French country. To fact, it took initially seek user statistics French in France and around the world. And then translate the web pages of the site (English) in French. Work optimally is 80%. As a result of 26 pages, 21 pages are already translated. It remains to translate 5 pages.
The FAQs will be available for next week has the following address This is a BETA (test).
       I would like to have a style of address to make it more optimal for SEO I operates in the french-speaking area.
all translated html pages  are in has the address : Google Doc  The access to this document is reserved only to those who possess this link. You can also see screenshot on the following appendices.  Thank you for placing your comments and not to change the document structure without getting up to speed. I had to do translations and corrections (in French) on our portal and answer some questions from French-speaking users on the portal And another part of my job is recorded in my project onTEAM LABSo the project name is written in Russian: Французская локализация  and the user name is Christian KALLA.
                                                                              View in 

Ideas and proposals of the week:

    The work localisation is very delicate, I met several small problems during my first month of work but with the help of manuals books and peoples around me, I started to take the fly. Of flies in the development and automatic sequence of my work for optimal results. Of Ideas, we have some several but we just have to pick right and make an object for sale and benefit. This week I will not offer big ideas because the location is not yet in place but for a start, I propose an opening  areas like : thus opening the field

Appendix. N`1 : 

Appendix. N`2 : 

Appendix. N`3 : 

Appendix. N`4 : 

Catégorie: Works & Tasks | Visualisations: 1249 | Ajouté par: ck7up | Note: 0.0/0
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